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9 Best Drinking Games and Rules (2021)

The best drinking games you’ll ever play… hands down.

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After last year, we could use a drink…

Which is why we spent months rigorously play-testing all the best drinking games so you don’t have to.

We present the 9 best drinking games, in no particular order.

Thank us later.


Blind Mario Kart

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Let’s start this list with the best drinking game you’ve never heard of, Blind Mario Kart.

In fact, this one’s so fun you can play it without drinking, but why would you want to?

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King’s Cup

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The first classic of the list, and what a classic it is.

King’s Cup (aka Kings Cup, Kings, or Ring of Fire) is by far one of the most popular drinking games, but with so many variations, it can be hard to know which rules are the best to play with.

Until now.

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If you just want to buy a game with all the fun built in, look no further.

Chickenshit is the drinking card game designed to be played in public.

In short, you do challenges for points with complete strangers.

You can get Chickenshit here if you don’t already have it.

Chickenshit Rules.png

The full game is now available on Amazon!


Flip Cup

How to Play Flip Cup.jpg

Flip Cup is a classic drinking game that’s perfect for pre-gaming or playing with big groups of people at your next party.

You may also know this game as “Taps”, “Flippy Cup”, “Canoe”, “Tappy Cup”, “Flippy Tap” “Cuppity Flippity Tuppity”… we’re just gonna stop.

It’s in the vein of games like Rage Cage or Chandeliers, where you can get a lot of people all in on the action at the same time, and the rules for Flip Cup are pretty simple so you can get an entire group playing quickly.

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Pocky Game

How to Play the Pocky Game.jpg

The Pocky Game is a popular Japanese drinking game that’s perfect for when you want to spice things up at a party.

Our updated version is sort of a mix between spin the bottle, and that scene from Lady and the Tramp where they’re eating the spaghetti.

Don’t worry, everything will become clear to you soon.

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Rage Cage

How to Play Rage Cage.jpg

Rage Cage is a popular drinking game that’s perfect for pre-gaming or adding some excitement to any party.

It’s in the vein of games like Flip Cup or Chandeliers, where you can get a lot of people all in on the action at the same time, and the rules for Rage Cage are pretty simple so you can get an entire group playing quickly.

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Drunk Uno

How to Play Drunk Uno.jpg

Most Drunk Uno rules are terrible, and unlike beer pong, will have you taking a ridiculous amount of shots regardless of your skill at the game.

That’s why we created the ultimate Drunk Uno rules that actually make sense for the game. Once you play this way, you’ll never play it any other way.

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Beer Pong

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Perhaps the king of all drinking games.

This iconic classic never goes out of style, even if you switch from Bud Light and Solo cups to champagne and martini glasses.

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Flip, Sip or Strip

How to Play Flip Sip or Strip.jpg

Flip, Sip or Strip is a clever drinking game perfect for small groups, or the end of the night when the vibe of the party is dying down, but not out.

This version by The Best Drinking Games is really the only one worth playing, and we’ll give you a full breakdown of the rules below.

Flip Sip or Strip Rules.jpg


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

Chickenshit Rules

The official Chickenshit rules with a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

How to Play Chickenshit.png

Chickenshit is the drinking card game designed to be played in public.

In short, you do challenges for points with complete strangers.

Below are the official rules in case you want to know how to play Chickenshit, or you just want a quick refresher.

You can get Chickenshit here if you don’t already have it.

And bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

Chickenshit Rules.png



Chickenshit Rules

What do you need to play?

Chickenshit. (on Amazon)

Strangers in the area.

A table or bar for HOME BASE.

Alcoholic drinks. (optional)


2 or more players.


Choose a home base where you’ll play the game.

Get drinks for every player. (optional)

Shuffle all of the Chickenshit cards and place the deck face down on the table.

Determine the play order. (clockwise, by birthdate, etc.)

Chickenshit Challenge Cards.png


Draw a card.

If it’s a FORTUNE CARD, read it aloud and do as it says.

If it’s an EGG CARD, keep it, and play it at any time as stated on the card.

If it’s a CHALLENGE CARD, you have 3 minutes to complete it with a stranger and make it back to home base. (use a phone timer)

If you accomplish the challenge and make it back to HOME BASE before the time runs out, keep that card.

If you fail a challenge, put that card in the discard pile. (and take a drink if playing with alcohol)

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For cards that say GROUP CHALLENGE on them, all the players must compete against one another. The winner of the GROUP CHALLENGE gets to keep that card, or take a random card from an opponent of their choosing and put the GROUP CHALLENGE card into the discard pile. (if playing with alcohol, all the other players must take a drink)


Some cards say LEGEND on them. These have the same time limits and rules of regular challenge cards, but players can choose not to accept LEGEND CARDS without penalty, put them in the discard pile and draw a new card.


No targets can be people you already know.

You can attempt a challenge on as many targets as you want within the 3-minute time limit.

You must make it back to HOME BASE within the time limit to win the card.

After an EGG, FORTUNE or GROUP CHALLENGE is played, the play order always continues from where it left off.

Don’t annoy people, try to be as respectful as possible while playing, and definitely don’t touch people without asking or knowing they’re okay with it.

Winning the Game

Once the last card in the deck has been drawn, tally up all the points each card is worth. Whichever player has the most points wins.

Alternate Game Modes


LEGENDARY MODE is an alternate gameplay mode where you can’t tell people you’re playing the game before getting them to help you complete a challenge.

All the other rules are the same as in standard gameplay.

LEGENDARY MODE is perfect for house parties or places where you know the people attending, or if you’re just looking for more of a challenge.


To play BLITZKRIEG MODE, remove all the FORTUNE, EGG and GROUP CHALLENGE cards from the deck.

Each player draws a card before the game begins. Don’t look at it.

When the game starts, all players do challenges simultaneously in a race to be the first to 10 points.

There are no time limits on challenges.

To skip a challenge, take a drink and put that challenge in the discard pile.

All the other rules remain the same as in standard gameplay.

Want Chickenshit?

The full game is now available on Amazon!



Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

Blind Mario Kart (Party Game Rules)

How to play Blind Mario Kart with rules and a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

How to Play Blind Mario Kart.png

Blind Mario Kart is a brilliant party game that’s always a big hit.

Whether you’re having a small get-together, or a big rager, it’s really the perfect game to make the centerpiece of your next party.

So if you want to know how to play Blind Mario Kart, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

Blind Mario Kart Rules.png



Blind Mario Kart Rules

What do you need to play?

Mario Kart (any version).

Blindfolds (optional).

Alcohol for shots (optional)


4 or more players.


This actually works with any racing game, but Mario Kart is the best.

Break into teams of two. One person is the DRIVER, the other person is the NAVIGATOR.

The DRIVER gets blindfolded and holds the controller.

If you don’t have blindfolds, just have the NAVIGATORS cover the DRIVERS’ eyes with their hands. No peeking!

The NAVIGATOR has to act as the DRIVER’s guide by talking them through the course.

If you feel so inclined, add stakes by having the losers take a shot.

This is the only safe way to drink and drive. ;)


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

Flip, Sip or Strip Rules (2020)

How to play Flip, Sip or Strip with rules and a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

How to Play Flip Sip or Strip.jpg

Flip, Sip or Strip is a clever drinking game perfect for small groups, or the end of the night when the vibe of the party is dying down, but not out.

This version by The Best Drinking Games is really the only one worth playing, and we’ll give you a full breakdown of the rules below.

So if you want to know how to play the Flip, Sip or Strip, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

Flip Sip or Strip Rules.jpg



Flip, Sip or Strip Rules

What do you need to play?

A coin.


Alcohol for shots.


2 or more players.


Get in a circle and have the first player flip a coin. Have the person to the left of them guess what the coin flip is.

If they get it right, they get the coin and flip for the person to their left.

If they get it wrong, flip the coin again and have them guess again.

Keep doing this until they get it right, or they get it wrong three times in a row.

If the person guessing gets it right on the first try, they get the coin and have no consequences.

If the person guessing gets it right on the second try, the person flipping gets to ask any question that the guesser has to answer truthfully before receiving the coin.

If the person guessing gets it right on the third try, they have to take a shot before receiving the coin.

But if the person gets it wrong all three times, they have to remove an article of clothing before receiving the coin to flip for the next person.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

Flip Cup Rules (2020)

The best Flip Cup rules with a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

How to Play Flip Cup.jpg

Flip Cup is a classic drinking game that’s perfect for pre-gaming or playing with big groups of people at your next party.

You may also know this game as “Taps”, “Flippy Cup”, “Canoe”, “Tappy Cup”, “Flippy Tap” “Cuppity Flippity Tuppity”… we’re just gonna stop.

It’s in the vein of games like Rage Cage or Chandeliers, where you can get a lot of people all in on the action at the same time, and the rules for Flip Cup are pretty simple so you can get an entire group playing quickly.

So if you want to know how to play Flip Cup, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

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Flip Cup Rules

What do you need to play?

Plastic ‘Solo’ cups (one for each player).


A long table.


2 or more players (2 teams).


Separate everyone into two equal teams. If you have an odd amount of people, one person can drink twice.

Have the teams line up on opposite sides of the table.

Place a plastic ‘Solo’ cup on the table in front of each player and fill them all up equally with beer.


Everyone counts down from ‘3’ to begin the game.

The first person in the line on each team has to chug the contents of their cup and then place it right-side up on the table hanging a bit off the edge (to give them room to flip it).

Then, using just one hand (no blowing) the players have to try to flip the cup over 180 degrees in a single motion until it lands upside down.

After each failed attempt, the cup must be reset to starting position right-side up, but players can make as many attempts as they need to get it.

Once a player successfully flips their cup upside down, the next person in the line can begin drinking and flipping their cup relay style.

Winning the Game

The first team to get the last person in their line to successfully drink and flip their cup wins.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

Pocky Game Rules (2020)

How to play the Pocky Game with rules and a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

How to Play the Pocky Game.jpg

The Pocky Game is a popular Japanese drinking game that’s perfect for when you want to spice things up at a party.

Our updated version is sort of a mix between spin the bottle, and that scene from Lady and the Tramp where they’re eating the spaghetti.

Don’t worry, everything will become clear to you soon.

So if you want to know how to play the Pocky Game, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

Pocky Game Rules.png



Pocky Game Rules

What do you need to play?

Pocky (a delicious Japanese treat you can find in almost any large grocery or candy store. Each stick provides one game).

Alcohol of your choice for shots.

An empty bottle.


2 or more players (2 at a time).


Sit in a circle. The person whose birthday is closest goes first.

That player spins the bottle in the center of the circle. If the bottle lands perfectly between two people, spin again. Whoever it stops on is their opponent.

Both players put a Pocky stick between them Lady and the Tramp style.

Each player begins nibbling closer to the center of the Pocky stick like they’re playing Chicken.

The first player to back down loses and must take a shot.

Kisses result in a tie, and neither player has to drink.

Play continues clockwise around the circle until you’re tired of drinking or kissing people.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

Rage Cage Rules (2020)

The best Rage Cage rules with a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

How to Play Rage Cage.jpg

Rage Cage is a popular drinking game that’s perfect for pre-gaming or adding some excitement to any party.

It’s in the vein of games like Flip Cup or Chandeliers, where you can get a lot of people all in on the action at the same time, and the rules for Rage Cage are pretty simple so you can get an entire group playing quickly.

So if you want to know how to play Rage Cage, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

Rage Cage Rules.png



Rage Cage Rules

What do you need to play?

Two ping pong balls.

Ten or more plastic ‘Solo’ cups.

One table.


3 or more players.


Place all the cups together in the center of the table.

Fill the cups a third of the way up, but fill the cup in the center up all the way.

All players stand around the table.

Pick two players standing across from each other to start, and give each of them a ping pong ball.


The entire group counts down from ‘3’ to start the game.

The two starting players each take a cup closest to them and drink its contents. They then try to quickly bounce their ping pong ball into their empty cup.

Once a player bounces a ball into their empty cup, they pass the cup and the ball clockwise to the next player to do the same.

If a player happens to make it on their first try, they can pass the cup to any player on the table who is not still bouncing.

This continues until a player makes a ball into their cup, while the next person is still bouncing.

Once this happens, the player who made it will stack their cup on to the cup of the person ahead of them who’s still bouncing. The losing player will then pass their stack clockwise, pick a new cup, drink the contents, and continue playing.

If a player accidentally bounces their ball into one of the center cups, they must take that cup, drink its contents, stack it on top of their previous cup, and continue trying to make their ball into the stack.

Winning the Game

The game ends when all of the cups have been consumed. There are no winners. Everybody loses.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

Drunk Uno Rules (Best Rules)

The best Drunk Uno rules with a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

How to Play Drunk Uno.jpg

Most Drunk Uno rules are terrible, and unlike beer pong, will have you taking a ridiculous amount of shots regardless of your skill at the game.

That’s why we created the ultimate Drunk Uno rules that actually make sense for the game. Once you play this way, you’ll never play it any other way.

So if you want to know how to play Drunk Uno, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

Drunk Uno Rules.png



Drunk Uno Rules

What do you need to play?

A regular deck of Uno.

Three shot glasses for each player.

Your favorite liquor.


2-10 players.

The Goal

The goal of Drunk Uno is to be the first person to play the very last card in your hand. Players score points for the cards their opponents have left in their hands at the end of each round. In addition, each player with one or more wild cards or wild 4 cards left in their hand at the end of a round must take a shot by drinking a lifeline.

Who Goes First?

Each player draws a card. The player who draws the highest numerical card is the dealer, and the player to the left of them goes first.

(When playing multiple hands of Drunk Uno, the dealer rotates clockwise each hand.)

If players draw a card without a number value, like a Skip card, they should return the card to the bottom of the deck and draw a new one.

If two or more players draw the same high card, those players should return those cards to the bottom of the deck and redraw.

Begin the Game

At the start of the game, each player is given three shot glasses filled with your favorite liquor. These are your lifelines.

At the start of each hand, each player is dealt 7 cards face down.

The remaining cards are placed face down in the draw pile. Make sure to leave space for a discard pile alongside the draw pile.

Place the top card of the draw pile face up on the discard pile to begin the game.

If this card is a wild card, or a wild draw 4 card, place the card in the center of the draw pile and draw a new card.


The player to the left of the dealer begins the game.

Match the top card from the discard pile by color, number or word.

So if it’s your turn, and the card on top of the discard pile is a red 7, you must play a 7, or any red. You may also play any wild card or wild draw 4 card.


If you play a wild card, you choose the color for the next turn.

If you play a draw two card, the next player must draw two cards and their turn is skipped.

If you play a wild draw 4 card, choose the color for the next turn, but the next player must draw four cards and their turn is skipped.


Drinking one of your lifelines can cancel the effect of any special card, (wild, skip, reverse, draw two or wild draw 4 cards).

Once you drink a lifeline, flip the shot glass upside down on the table in front of you. It cannot be used again for the rest of the game. Not just the hand, the entire game.


If you can’t play a card because you can’t match the color, number, wording, or you don’t have any wild or skip cards, you must draw a card from the draw pile.

If you draw a card that can be played, play it, otherwise, your turn ends play moves to the next player.

If you can’t play your last card, you must draw another card and continue playing until someone’s hand is empty.


Once you get down to the second to last card in your hand, yell Uno! If you do not, and another player catches you with only one card in your hand before the next person plays a card, you must draw four more cards.


After a player plays their last card, they win the round and the hand is over.

If you’re the winner of the hand, you get points for all the card the other players are left with.

Number cards are worth the amount written on the card.

Draw 2, reverse and skip card are worth 20 points.

Wild cards and wild draw 4 cards are worth 50 points.


If you’re caught with a wild card or a wild draw 4 card after a hand has been won, you must drink one of your lifelines.

Regardless of the amount of wild cards or wild draw 4 cards you’re caught with at the end of a hand, you still only drink one of your lifelines.

If you’re caught with a wild card or a wild draw 4 card after a hand has been won, and you’re out of lifelines to drink, you must drink an opponent’s lifeline of your choice.

If no lifelines are remaining for any of your opponents either, you must pour yourself a new lifeline and drink it.

Winning the Game

The first player to score 500 points wins the game.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.

Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

Beer Pong Rules (2020)

The best Beer Pong rules with a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

How to Play Beer Pong.jpg

If you want to know how to play beer pong, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only beer pong rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

Beer Pong Rules.png



Beer Pong Setup

Two teams of two stand on opposite sides of a long table. (Ping pong table, rectangular dining room table, etc.

Official beer pong table length is 8’ (2.44 m) long, 24” (61 cm) wide, at a height of 27.5” (70 cm).

Each team places six cups in a pyramid pointing towards their opponents. The back three cups should be six inches from the edge of the table.

Each team divides two beers evenly among the six cups on their side of the table.

Place an additional cup off to the side and fill it with water. This is the rinse cup where you can “clean” balls that have fallen onto the floor or have otherwise been contaminated.

Beer Pong Setup.png

Beer Pong Rules


Each team has two players.

Each turn, each player gets one ping pong (table tennis) ball to shoot into the opposing team’s cups.

If a cup is made, the team on that side of the table must pick up the cup and drink the beer inside at their own pace.

Finished cups are then stacked to the side out of the game.

After both players on a team have shot, it’s the opposing team’s turn, unless both players make it, then they get another turn where each player gets to shoot again.


Players can also bounce balls into the opposing team’s cups.

If a ball is bounced in, the opposing team must drink the cup that was made, as well as another cup of their choice.

Once a ball hits the table after being bounced or thrown, it can be caught or swatted away by the opposing team.


If a ball is touched in the air during a shot before hitting the table, and goes in, it counts as two cups.

If a player’s elbow crosses the threshold of the table’s edge during a shot, the shot doesn’t count, even if it’s made, and the ball automatically goes to the other team.

Winning the Game

The first team to eliminate all of the opposing team’s cups wins.

Players can also win by making a ball into a cup they’ve already made a shot into, even if the cup is being held by someone on the opposing team.

Once the game is over, the losing team must drink all the remaining cups on the table.

Beer Pong.jpg

Who Goes First?

The starting team is decided by one player from each team looking at one another, counting to three simultaneously, and then shooting a ping pong ball into the other team’s cups.

If both players make it, or both players miss, their teammates then shoot, until one player makes it and the opposing player does not. The team who made the winning shot goes first.

If it’s not the first game of the night, the winners of the previous game go first.


Each team is awarded one re-rack per game. A re-rack allows you to have your opponents rearrange the cups on their side of the table into any shape you desire, as long as all the cups are touching at least one cup, and the back of the formation is six inches from the opponents’ edge of the table.


If a ball rolls back across the table before the opposing team can grab it or before it hits the ground, the player who retrieves it can take an additional behind the back shot. If made, it counts the same as a normal shot.

Flick or Blow

If a ball rolls around the inside of a cup, players can flick the ball out, or blow down into the cup to try to force the ping pong ball out before it splashes down into the beer.


If the last cup is made by the first person to shoot during a turn, don’t pick it up immediately. The other player on the team must take a turn. If they make it as well, the game is automatically over.

If they miss, the other team gets a chance at redemption by taking a turn of their own. Unlike a regular turn, each player shoots until they miss.

If they eliminate all the remaining cups in a single turn before missing, both teams must reset the game back to three cups on each side of the table in a triangle shape.

The game then continues as normal until one team wins.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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Lion El Aton Lion El Aton

King’s Cup Rules (2020)

The best King’s Cup rules with a visual you can bookmark so you never have to look it up again.

Kings Cup Ring of Fire Rules .png

King’s Cup (aka Kings Cup, Kings or Ring of Fire) is by far one of the most popular drinking games, but with so many variations, it can be hard to know which rules are the best to play with.

Until now.

We put together this simple chart of the very best King’s Cup rules and card assignments so you can stop focusing on how to play, and start focusing on not focusing on anything because you’ll probably be drunk.

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King’s Cup Rules

Put a large cup; the king's cup (eyebrow raise*), in the center of a table and have everyone gather 'round like papa's story time.

Each player takes turns drawing cards and following the instructions corresponding to each card.

An example of a card would be 'raise your hand to heaven' if you draw a '7'. The last person to do so takes a drink.

How to Play Kings Cup.png

Kings Cup Card Assignments

Ace - Waterfall. (Each player starts drinking at the same time as the person to their left. NO player can stop drinking until the person before them stops.)

Two - You. (Whoever draws this can choose anyone to take a drink.)

Three - Me. (The person who draws this takes a drink.)

Four - Floor. (The last person to touch the floor takes a drink.)

Five - Guys. (All the guys at the table drink.)

Six - Chicks. (All the girls at the table drink.)

Seven - Heaven. (If you draw this card, raise your hand above you head. Every other player must do so as well. The last person takes a drink.)

Eight - Mate. (Choose someone to be your mate. For the rest of the game, they drink when you drink.)

Nine - Rhyme. (You say a word, then the person to your right has to say a word that rhymes. This continues until someone can't think of a word. That person takes a drink. You can't reuse words.)

Ten - Categories. (Come up with a category of things. The person to your right must name something that falls within the category. This continues until someone can't think of something. That person takes a drink.)

Jack - Never Have I Ever. (Everyone plays Never Have I Ever.)

Queen - Questions. (Ask someone a question. That person then asks someone else a question. This continues until someone messes up or fails to ask a question. That person drinks. No question can be repeated.)

King - King's Cup. (Set a rule to be followed, e.g. stand on one foot when you drink, only speak in an accent, etc.)

When each of the first 3 Kings is drawn, the person who drew it puts some of their drink into the King's Cup in the center of the table. When the 4th King is drawn, the person who drew it must drink the entire King's Cup.)

Games can either end when the last card from the deck is drawn, or when the king's cup has been drunken.

Or you know… when you are drunken.

Check out oUr list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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